ENSPM2021 Talk
Title: Bernoulli Random Matrices
Abstract: Random Matrix theory has grown into a rich and diverse field during the last twenty years. We will discuss recent results, advances and open problems concerning a particular random matrix, namely Bernoulli random matrices.
Alice Guionnet (ENS Lyon, France)
French mathematician known for her work in probability theory, in particular on large random matrices. Guionnet entered the École Normale Supérieure (Paris) in 1989 and earned her PhD in 1995, under the supervision of Gérard Ben Arous at University of Paris-Sud, on Langevin Dynamics of spin glass. In 2009, through her significant results in the field of random matrices, she became the first woman to win the Prix Loève, the most prestigious international award in the field of probability. The following year she was awarded the CNRS Silver Medal. She was elected a member of the french Academy of Sciences, of Academia Europaea and European Academy of Sciences in 2017 and 2018. She held positions at the Courant Institute, Berkeley, MIT, ENS (Paris), and currently is a Director of Research at ENS, Lyon.